Ledger % Hardware Wallet & Cold Wallet

Ledger wallets are powered by an industry-leading Secure Element chip, together with Ledger's proprietary OS that protects your crypto & NFTs from sophisticated hacks. Pair

Certainly! Designing a database schema for an online merchandise store involves creating tables to store information about products, customers, orders, and more. Here's a simplified example to get you started:

  1. Products Table:

    • ProductID (Primary Key)

    • Name

    • Description

    • Price

    • StockQuantity

  2. Categories Table:

    • CategoryID (Primary Key)

    • CategoryName

  3. ProductCategories Table (Associative Table):

    • ProductID (Foreign Key referencing Products)

    • CategoryID (Foreign Key referencing Categories)

  4. Customers Table:

    • CustomerID (Primary Key)

    • FirstName

    • LastName

    • Email

    • Password

    • Address

    • Phone

  5. Orders Table:

    • OrderID (Primary Key)

    • CustomerID (Foreign Key referencing Customers)

    • OrderDate

    • TotalAmount

  6. OrderDetails Table:

    • OrderDetailID (Primary Key)

    • OrderID (Foreign Key referencing Orders)

    • ProductID (Foreign Key referencing Products)

    • Quantity

    • Subtotal

This is a basic structure, and you can expand it based on your specific requirements. For example, you might want to include tables for shipping information, reviews, or user accounts. Also, consider adding indexes and constraints for better performance and data integrity.

Please note that this is a conceptual schema, and in a real-world scenario, you might need to consider additional factors like normalization, data types, and relationships between tables based on the specific needs of your online merch store.

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